
last update: 22/03/2024

hey! i am putting up a glossary of astronomical terms here, it might be useful to clear up gloomy minds like mine. If you come across anything useful or spot any errors, please let me know. your feedback is greatly appreciated.

key words: high-z quasars; radio-loud quasars; high-z & radio-loud quasars

radio-loud quasars are essential to understand the accretion and growth of black holes, especially in the early universe. there are over 300 quasars at z>5, but only less than a hundread quasars are known to be radio-loud. moreover, deep optical/nir spectroscopy is only obtained for ~10 of them.

quasars at the early universe are surprisingly heavy. if we trace back their evolutionary track, they might undergo a long period of supper-eddington accretion. i think the presence of the radio jet might help with that. if gathering enough info on radio-loud population, the knowledge to their accretion history might help us to crack the myth of the earliest black holes in the universe.

to achieve this, we carried out optical/nir spectroscopy with mods/luci slit spectroscopy at lbt. our current sample of ~30 quasars will triple the size of existing sample on black hole properties measurements to z>5 radio-loud quasars. also more interesting infos on the blueshifts from CIV and MgII will be accessible in our samples. stay tuned.

an object taken with lbt/luci spectroscopy, clear broad lines of civ and mgii enable us to measure its central black hole properties

blazars are a sub-class of agns that appear to be extremely variable and bright. this is due to their superluminal radio jets are pointing at us at a very small angle. based on this scenario, blazars are expected to show compact radio morphology.

vlass is a radio sky survey with high angular resolution. the before not resolved features are now clear identified in its images. to put it in another way, the compact radio morphology in previous surveys might look different in vlass. taking advantage of the unprecedented radio survey images and a novel automatic algorithm on morphology, we are resolving structures for blazar candidates, and rule out those that show clear non-blazar morphology – symmetrical face-on jets.

check out the manuscript of the work here.

the compact-looking radio image in nvss is now resolved by vlass, showing that this source is clearly not a blazar